Stratford Wiffle Ball League

2007 All-Star Game

2007 Playoffs
2007 All-Star Game

Homerun Derby Photos


Nick from the Mets lead off the Homerun Derby and had an off day, not hitting any homeruns.


Matt from the Red Sox, above, batted second in the Derby and also hit no homeruns.

Joe from the Mets, below, hit two homeruns to secure a spot in the Finals where he hit nine homeruns to win the Derby.



Joey from the Red Sox, above, hit four homeruns to lock up going last in the Finals against Joe from the Mets where he hit two homeruns as the runner-up.

Other Pictures from the All-Star Festivities


Joe from the Mets, above, shown recieving his All-Star MVP Award. The man beasted hitting four homeruns and putting the hurt on the AL 12-3. Below, the National League team poses for a victory picture after beating the AL in the First Annual Mid-Summer Classic


Below, Andrew poses for a picture inbetween competitions. He played in the All-Star Game and caught for the Homerun Derby. The way he has been playing of late, he should have been in the Homerun Derby. Thanks a lot Andrew!



The photo above shows one of Joe's nine homeruns in the Homerun Derby Finals going into a nearby car. This was amazing and will never be done again (don't even try Joe, you will be there for years!). This brought back memories of when Ryan Howard hit the sign in the 2006 MLB Homerun Derby to win the competition.